I couldn't sell this game back fast enough. It left a bad taste in my mouth for years to come.

User Rating: 1 | Metal Gear Acid PSP
My greatest apologize to anyone who be offended by my previous words. I assure you, I am reformed, I am born anew! I have seen the error of my point taking ways, and vow not again to cause such actions. So without any further ado, I present to you, a poem, that is a review, that is a poem.

This game was not for moi.
You have to use cards.
Alrighty, I'll pass.
Got better things to do.
A lot better things to do.
I thought it would be SOLID
Did they really need a sequel?
Oh? Really? Why?
Understand, I do not.
Could it be me?
Heavens, no!
Everyone must be crazy!!!
But its their right.
And privilege.
God speed.

Alas, I have had much heart-ache over this game. What I don't understand is why my words have fallen on deaf ears. If only an angel would come and show me the way, so I might understand the allure of such a thing.