Good Game ruined by Bad Story

User Rating: 7.5 | Metal Gear Acid PSP
An unusual game this one. Fighting with just a deck of cards. Very frustrating at times, waiting for the cards to come around so you can open doors or shoot the big boss, but still a lot of fun to be had here. The game developers should be congratulated on putting together a game with a unique perspective on gameplay, particularly in this type of game. They should also be congratulated on the way it looks. The graphics are crisp and clear and on the whole great. Now the negative, and boy what a negative.
What lets it down massively is the story. Endless, pointless and downright mystifying. it has no flow to it and is typical of many of the english translated Japanese games, which have been translated literally from the Japanese rather than re written in English. A real shame as it destroys what could be a fantastic game. When will Konami/CapCom learn to test the game on english speakers first. See Trauma Centre, Vampire Night, Onimusha etc for more examples of literal translation ruining a good game