Not MGS but still good.

User Rating: 9.6 | Metal Gear Acid PSP
I believe tah this game was great start for Metal Gear on the PSP system. What Konami did was take everything from the past Metal Gear games and turn into a card based game. Now I know to a lot of people that sounds like one of the stupidest ideas ever but trust me it's not as bad as it sounds. The game's game play may take a while to get used to especially with the lack of a tutorial but once you get past that you will have hours of fun with this game. The story is set on a remote island and dose not have anything to do with any other Metal Gear games except for the main character, Solid Snake. The story is bizarre though but I won't spoil that for you. I really liked seeing all the Metal Gear Solid characters and weapons turned into cards. Overall I would say that this is a must have for any True Meat Gear Fan, if they have a PSP.