Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake is a upgrade from Metal Gear, only better.

User Rating: 8.1 | Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake MSX
Ah, Metal Gear 2. The only Metal Gear game not released state-side. A very good game, and some would say that it's better than the original Metal Gear. This is the game that took place on Zanzibar Island. Yes, that place mentioned in Metal Gear Solid. Recently, this game was remade for Japanese cell phones, and then was ported with Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence.

Story: Alright, this time, Snake must infiltrate Zanzibar Land and rescue the kidnapped Russian biologist, but, of course, it isn't as easy as it sounds. Full of plot twist, action, and funny sounding bosses. Seriously Konami, Running Man? What the crud?

Gameplay: Just like Metal Gear, but now you can crawl. So, yeah. Not much change, but still the classic tactical action from the first game.

Graphics: Improved from Metal Gear. For a game made in 1990, it's very detailed. Also when you use the radio, the faces of the characters look like Hollywood actors. Weird, huh?

Sound: Once again, for a game made in 1990, it has some pretty good sound quality. Of course, it plays that classic music when you get caught, complete with the sound effect. You know what I'm talking about. !

Lasting Appeal: Although the game is great and all, there's not much to do when you finish. In fact, there is nothing for you to do in the finish.

Final Thought: A good game that, until recently, the United States missed out on.