Great game slowed down by bad A.I.

User Rating: 8.4 | Men of Valor XBOX
This game is good, really good. You get a real feeling of being in Vietnam in the 60's. The characters are good and aren't afraid to curse. I found myself laughing at them sometimes and the comedy is a good distraction from the intense fighting that takes place. One thing where I don't think this game went far enough is that it didn't really show what war is really like. It came oh so close, but it seemed to me that the violence was turned down a little bit. There's no groaning and moaning and I think the death animations were kind of a let down. Another big problem with this game is the A.I. It's bad. When I say bad, I mean BAD. I found myself stopping everything I was doing to watch two guys, one army and one VC, in an intense shooting battle, and they are about two feet from each other. And they couldn't hit each other! You don't know how many times in the thick of battle I would turn around and see a VC grunt 3 feet away, but he's facing the other direction! Did he not see me when he walked over? Or was he compassionate and didn't want to shoot me when my back was turned? It's annoying and brings down what would otherwise be a great game. I still recommend it, but be prepared to run around shooting with, and at, a bunch of idiots.