MegaManX6 tries to hard to to be the game it can be,but it ends up being the same game as X5,still its fun for anyone.

User Rating: 7.2 | RockMan X6 (PlayStation the Best) PS
the problom with this game is the fact that it doesn't do nothing interesting(besides the nightmare system) this is still a fun game and a game that MegaMan fans can still the game u play a X,u have to destroy a guy name gata a save the world again.the gameplay isn't really different from the last MegaMan game,but what they added new this year is something called tje nightmare system.what the nightmare system is is that when the boss is highlited in red.the level has changed.this means that a level can have more enemys attack u or a level can be dark ....etc.iIn the end,MegaManX6 is still a fun game for people who still love MegaMan,but for others,Its worth a rental.