This game feels alot like it was rushed out of production. Causing me to shed some tears as to how this could've been be

User Rating: 4.3 | RockMan X6 (PlayStation the Best) PS
Now then, diehard Megaman X fan, did you enjoy X6?

I sure did not, playing more of Megaman X Collection caused me to realize the differences in the first 6 titles. And X6, is probably the worst game of the X series.

Starting off at story, Zero is (allegedly) dead, and X must stop some guy who's trying to inherit some awesome Zero powers. Yano, with a story that has many plotholes, you'd think I would try to cover them. But nobody can logically answer the conundrum of how the heck did X survive getting split in half by Sigma. In the middle of the freaking abyss. And yet, here we are, at X6. With X nice and fine. Also, Zero (allegedly) died.....allegedly. But if you wish hard enough, he's here in X6....after pulling off kamikaze by ramming into a space station......WTF?
I'm sorry, but I pronounce this story too difficult to put together to make a whole.

And the music, it sounds nice, but the heavy metal being over a quarter of the music is not fitting, there's some interesting tracks, but the playlist needs recomposing. It's fine, but not fitting.

Also graphics suffer severely as level layout looks alot like the old NES Megaman. Constant use of the same appearence of floors, walls, and ceilings. Making up uninteresting levels, and makes me feel like not much effort was put into the look of the levels.

But gameplay is the reason this game dies. X's saber literally adds nothing to gameplay. Not only does it sucks, it points out that X is a crappy swordsman. The level design is bland, not putting much variation besides shoot/jump/walljump/avoid spikes. There's some minibosses, armors, and rescuing, but not enough to help avoid the fact that the level construction felt rushed and thoughtless.

So I should be thankful and there usually ain't much to do with the recent X games. The rank system is just to show you how many times have you done this before. The rescuing thing is interesting, but it's optional. Also, that rescue thing is strict. If you don't rescue the dude in distressing, fine, do it next time. But if you let him become infected, he's gone for good, giving you a kick in the balls if he had a valuable item for your survival. This really sucks when all of the game's heart tanks, weapon tanks, and non-armor upgrades are in these pathetic moveless robots.

And also, this game eats it hard when bosses shake the scale of difficulty. Some are so easy you just sit there and shoot it until it blows up. And others are neigh impossible to survive. With a couple taking too long to beat, often coming up with character death because you failed the climb on wall/jump off to dodge tactic after 15 successful times.

Sad to say, I lost interest in putting forth the effort to beat this game. Thanks to the storyline trying it's best to not make sense, bland level design, obscence differences in boss fights, and crazy difficulty, this game is better left rented, and not bought. Unless you buy the Megaman X Collection, then you have no choice.


Gameplay~Hasn't changed, and not upgraded. Shame.
Graphics~NOT pleasing to look at. Is NOT art.
Sound~Decent, but I can't help but feel it's not good enough.
Value~9 stages, 4 fortress stages, and some things to do. But that's it.
My Opinion~This game feels alot like it was rushed out of production. Causing me to shed some tears as to how this could've been better.