Mega Man Legends comes to the N64

User Rating: 9 | RockMan Dash: Hagane no Boukenshin N64
Mega Man 64 is a port of Mega Man Legends for the Sony's Playstation system. The plot of this game is fairly long and complicated, and doesn't really need to be explained in reviewing the game, so lets move on to the gameplay. Basically you're a "digger", a digger is a person who searches underground structures for treasure, and large crystals called "refractors". Underground there is a large deal of combat, and you can upgrade your main weapon by mixing and matching two different parts, later in the game an extra slot opens up for a third part. In the overworld there's a large town to explore, and different entrances to the underground area. There are a great deal of sidequests and secondary weapons to unlock. My favorite part about this game though are the boss fights, each one is interesting and none of the boss concepts seem recycled or repetitive, although a little on the easy side, the boss fights really make this game interesting. This game has alot of replay value and great boss fights, so if you look for those things in a game, i would check this game out.