A good game for the Megaman fan, and it gets so many new features that wern't in the ones for the Game Boy Advance.

User Rating: 8.3 | Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS DS
Megaman sure is getting famous for the NetNavi versions based on the original 2D side-scrollers. They have had quite a few games, one for the GameCube, tons for the GBA, and even had a TV show. You can't go wrong with Megaman.EXEs appearance on the DS.

You start as the well known Lan Hikari, and his famous blue Navi, Megaman. You have to go through a training session with viruses, which can get boring for the veterans of these games. You must travel across the net with missions, looking for chips, or new to BN 5, the liberation missions with Protoman or Colonel, and Navis that are different in each version. This battle system is of which you face off against Nebula, the bad guys from BN 4.

In this game you find DarkChips and put them in your folder, instead of them popping up when Megaman is worried.DarkChips are quite harmful to Megaman, and they take 1 of his Max HP when you use them. They give you bugs and glitches. I have never used one. Some people choose to, but it's your choice.

The battle system is the same as always, 3x6 field, using Battle Chips when the come up, same old same old.

This is a game that is very enjoyable, and is worth the buy. I say... Go Megaman!