Looking for some Classic Megaman Action? Look no longer! Megaman 9 Is here and It delivers classic Megaman Action.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mega Man 9 X360
Are you guys like me? Were you born in the Megaman Generation on the NES? If so then you'll be pretty proud of Megaman 9. If not well.. You should try this classic 2d action scrolling game anyway!

Lets start out simple here. Megaman 9 goes with the old Megaman Formula, Gameplay and Graphic Wise. So you'll be able to see the Blue Bomber in full HD glory lol ;)

The Gameplay like I said earlier, is the same as in the previous Megaman games on the NES.Youll have the option to choose between the 8 bosses the game has to offer. Each levels of those Bosses have their unique feel and ennemies to kill.And like previous Megaman Games you'll be able to use the bosse's ability when you destroy them.So Discovering each bosse's weakness will be a key factor to get trough the game the easy way. Or if you prefer the Hard way, try beating the game with the buster only =)

Speaking of Hard. This Game is Hard indeed.Youll be replaying the levels again and again since they are pretty challenging.Dying alot before actually seeing the boss of each stages will be normal lol :P

My only draw back would be getting those achievement points. Very hard, you'll be spending lots of time to get them and often giving up will be the only option. ^_^

Nonetheless Megaman 9 is a must have in your Live Arcade Library if your a Megaman or just a 2d side scroller Fan.

Its classic old school gameplay to its finest.