Epic example of graphical perfection! Gameplay is completly Total War as we are expecting of them, ofcourse with extra's

User Rating: 9.3 | Medieval II: Total War PC
One word to describe this game, simply amazing. The graphics are so detailed and so awesome. Best of all I may add in my opinion the gameplay is completly Total War with the neccesary improvement. The question soon arises is this game truly only an eye candy or is it worthwhile playing as well, well people the answer is YES! Not only the graphics are good the sound effects are stunningly real as well, it takes little imagination to think yourself on the battlefield, ordering your armies to clash with that of the enemy. But not only on the field of battle is a war decided, it's just one of many aspects of the game. Dimplomacy, assasinations are also a force to be reckoned with. Your armies can be oh so powerful but if you do not use the tools at your disposal you will surely lose. Maybe one of the biggest improvements in this game besides the graphics on the battlefield is the campaign map it's much more influential in this game then the previous releases. Ofcourse the only drawback to this game is that it requires a computer that still needs to be invented to play it at ultimate settings smoothly.

Definitly worth buying guys, but take heed of the system requirements if those check out be ready to expierience something epic ...