If this is meant to be a reboot for the series, then its not a bad start.

User Rating: 8 | Medal of Honor PS3
Medal of Honor follows in the steps of Call of Duty and goes to the modern setting. It takes place in Afghanistan in the opening days of the U.S. led invasion and has you take on the Taliban.

Medal of Honor tells its story through multiple characters. The story lacks the wow factor that Call of Duty 4 had when it first went to the Modern time. But I still like it because it respects the soldier more than Call of Duty. You get a taste of what Afghanistan is like. The story has its moments as well such as trying to find an informant only to find out he is dead and he is booby trapped, so he explodes, sending you down the next floor while another one has you assaulting a position from the back of a truck with a machine gun firing away at other vehicles and technicals, and at the same time, fighter jets fly overhead. This made the story immersive. There is a mixture of different level styles like some are urban while others take you through caves and mountains. There are stealth missions while others are your typical run and gun while others have you snipe from long distances. There is even a mission that allows you to be a chopper gunner blasting away at different ground positions. There are other missions that have you paint a target for air support as well.

There are features that makes this stand out of the crowd such as the ability to slide into cover. Sometimes, this doesnt work and you will go sliding into another position that has you exposed to gunfire. But when it does work, its an awesome feature. Another neat feature is that the enemy can lose body parts. This makes it more real especially when you are a sniper and you aim for the head, The head blows off like it should in real life when you are using a high powered sniper rifle. Unfortunatly, it has some bad sides to it as well. The campaign is way to short. It can be completed in 4 hours but, it does go out with a bang. Its also to easy. I suggest that if your a veteran to shooters, you should start on hard. Also, the enemy A.I. is stupid. They will sometimes stand in the middle of the open firing away without taking cover. I know that most Taliban fighters were not skilled in real life, so I dont know whether this was intentional or not. Also, the levels are to linear, even by shooter standards. There are areas that look like you can pass through but it wont let you go, almost like an invisible wall. Also, during a mission that has you use night vision, There was a time were I took cover behind a bus wreck and I pointed the laser pointer on my rifle through the windows but the pointer was pointing at an invisible wall on the bus.

The multiplayer is fun as well but its very different from the features of the campaign. There is no sliding into cover and you dont have the ability to go prone like in the campaign. There are four modes to choose from, team deathmatch, capture the flag, combat mission and objective raid. Combat Mission is a mode were coalition forces must capture five objectives while the Opfor team struggles to hold it. Objective raid is a mode were Opfor must sabotage two positions with timed explosives while the Coalition must fight them off. As you play, you will level up and earn new guns and attachments. There is a lot to earn this way. Also there are rewards available to use when you get enough points without dying, similar to Call of Dutys killstreak awards except thats for kills. MOH gives you points for capturing a position and even an assist kill that adds to your points for different rewards. The different rewards are mortar strike, artillery strike, A-10/Su-25 strafing run and much more. Unfortunately, the multiplayer mode is sniper friendly. You will die multiple times from snipers but you will learn the paths to get by them, adapt and survive. Overall, I found the multiplayer very addicting. As for the name change from Taliban to Opfor, this is no big deal and it does not affect the gameplay.

The good: Medal of Honor continues what it usually does and makes it as authentic as possible while respecting the soldier and the military. Unique features allow this to stand out among the competition. Multiplayer is fun.

The bad: Campaign is way to short and linear. Bad AI.

MOH Frontline: A neat exclusive feature for the often neglected PS3 gamers is that the classic MOH frontline is available and updated in HD with additional textures, the ability to aim down the sight and trophies.

Overall: MOH is a tribute to the modern US soldier and it does a good job at showing a little of what they go through in todays conflict. If your a Call of Duty gamer, I advise that you rent it first as I have heard mixed reactions about this game from the COD fan base. If this is meant to be a reboot for the series, then its not a bad start. Its also good to see Medal of Honor back from its three year absence.