Short story mode but a great multiplayer mode.

User Rating: 8 | Medal of Honor PS3
Medal of Honor is pretty different that the old ones. With this Medal of honor, I can play an old Medal of honor:Medal of honor Frontlines. In the actual Medal of honor, the weapon technology is more automatic and gives more dexterity than the old weapons in the second world war. One of the most similar point is that I play at the 1st person, I don't see my entire character. It's like that I walk or run with a weapon and I kill enemies. The story mode of Medal of honor is short, but funny and intense anyway. The multiplayer mode is more intense than the story mode (depending on the players who plays in the entire world). Funny fact for the ones who sees a multiplayer match but fact annoying fact for a victim player who has been killed is that the victim player who has been killed don't know from where he has been shooted. It only says the player who kill you. Snipers are more capable to kill an enemy with been saw. Others Funny way to beat enemies but really damn annoying for the victims is the special aerial attacks that make a big explosion and kill some players at the same time. It's frustrating to play in multiplayer mode but it's very very awesome and contains a huge fun. Just be cautious and careful and you need a lot of dexterity. Also, don't shoot your allies, otherwise you'll lose points and make your team pretty bored and the enemies happy. I remember that there's various mode in multiplayer games as the control of the sectors who consists to maintain a flag of your team standing and kill enough enemies for obtaining the asked score. There is another mode who you have to destroy some objects or to protect it and the battle location is huge. There is also a mode who play any other battle modes but with other conditions like if you are shooted, your soldier can't recover from his wounds. Raid to the goal mode is or to protect an object or to destroy it. Time is count in this mode. If the destroyers don't destroy quickly, the protectors wins. That's all I wanted to say about the game. I enjoy!