Great Game with good multi-player features like the buddy system. Really fun to play online despite glitches.

User Rating: 8.5 | Medal of Honor: Warfighter PS3
Overall that game is great to play. The single player campaign is good with interesting missions and features like car chases and driving boats. Online multi-player is really good fun with a variety of maps suited for different classes. The weapon customization is quite good, easy to use and I like the way it is laid out even though some guns have been repeated meaning less overall guns. The fire buddy system is a really good idea as it helps you progress further in the game and makes you work as a team. Also it gives you a easy way to spawn closer to the target and a way to restock ammo and heal. The glitches online are bad like shooting while reloading, spawning outside the map and others. My overall opinion of this game is that it is a good fun game to play but it seems half-finished with bugs being a problem.