Good but not the best MoH.

User Rating: 7.4 | Medal of Honor: Vanguard WII
I don't see why this is getting such low scores, I mean yeah it IS just another WWII FPS but I like them, that’s why I got it, and I hope they come out with a dozen more for the Wii. I haven't played CoD3 for the Wii so I don't know how it compares to that(I have it for Xbox so there’s no point in getting it for another system) but this is 100 times better then Farcry. So if you're looking for a FPS on the Wii this is a must rent(don't buy, its too short but I’ll get to that later).

Gameplay: I really like aiming with the Wiimote, it makes it a lot easier and more fun and you feel like you're really in the game sometimes. The parachuting was ok, it wasn’t long enough to really add anything but it was fun for the few seconds that it lasted. The nunchuck controls are a little messed up, I’ll try to crouch but I’ll end up spinning around and vise versa, but the good thing is you don't have to use them, all of the nunchuck functions are also done with buttons so as long as you hold it still you shouldn't have any problems, you can even turn it off so no one should have any trouble with the controls. The hit detection is a little off sometimes, like I’ll shoot a guy right in the head and he’ll keep shooting at me or I’ll shoot the guy in the gut 4 or 5 times before he falls over and dies, but most of the time the people die when they’re supposed to. The AI isn’t the best but it never will be perfect because then it would be too hard and people would stay behind cover forever and you’d never be able to get a shot at them. Your allies have much better AI, usually they just get in the way but they actually help some here. But the not so good enemy AI makes it too easy, I didn’t even die for the first time until the second to last level when they drop you down in the middle of a bunch of Germans with hardly any cover to get behind. Another not so great thing is that a lot of times mid-level it will cut to a 10 or 15 second cinematic and then throw you back in the game, those interrupt the experience and are kinda annoying because they come out of nowhere sometimes and there’s no warning when you go back to playing so sometimes you’ll be holding the Wiimote a certain way and when the clip ends you’ll all the sudden be facing straight up in the sky.

Graphics: Really good graphics, they're nothing amazing and don't seem very next-gen but for the Wii so far these are some of the best.

Sound: It's a MoH game so you know the sound is good.

Value: This is where the game gets bad, there are only 10 levels, all of which can be beat in about 15 to 20min so you only get about 3 or 4 hours of gameplay. The split-screen doesn't add anything to it because I don't any friends and can't play it and the Wii doesn't have any online games yet so that’s out.

Reviewer's Tilt: I really liked this game, its a lot better then Rising Sun but far from the best MoH, it felt kinda rushed and it probably was because this isn't their main new MoH, Airborne is. So I think if they had put some more time into it, made it 20 or more 20min levels or made the levels longer then it would have been a lot better. So like I said it’s a definite rent but I wouldn't suggest ANYONE pay $50 for it.