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User Rating: 5 | Medal of Honor: Vanguard PS2
Medal of Honor has been, in my opinion, one of the most popular, and successful, war game along with Call of Duty. EA returns with their latest installment, Vanguard.

You play as a man named Keegan. There is no background story about him, or why he’s in the army to begin with. You are with the 82nd airborne and you will start in the first chapter called Husky, which is all about Operation Husky. You pretty much do this for the whole game and that’s it.

The downside to the campaign mode is how incredibly short it is. There are four different areas, sections, or chapters, depending on what you want to call it. In each there are three levels, with the exception of the final which only has 2. That’s a total of 15 playable levels. It’s very short, and you’ll be able to beat the game in a mere 3 hours. Then you can either play it again, or just play something else.

There is no online play. There is multiplayer, where you run around and shoot your friends, but even that is boring. There is no online where you can team up with your friend and beat campaign mode together. No online play to team up with people around the world, or even face people around the world. So, there’s a short campaign mode, and no online, so what do you do?

The graphics are great. The game really does an amazing job of recreating the areas, and they look life like. All the weapon models look terrific, and the graphics altogether, are simply amazing.

Sound is great as well. Medal of Honor has had a pretty good soundtrack, and you’ll recognize some of the songs, as they have been in previous Medal of Honor games, and the new ones sound terrific. Along with sound, there’s voice acting. And in Medal of Honor, the voice acting was well presented. You’ll hear your sergeant yell commands and you’ll follow them.

Originally in the Medal of Honor games, there is a health bar, and the only way to get it back to 100%, you needed those hard-to-find first aid kits. This time, it’s completely different. It’s like Gears of War. When you get shot, the screen turns red. If you get shot multiple times, the screen will turn really red until you die. If it turns really red, and you rest a little, you’ll be back to full health. This is a great concept as you’ll continuously duck for cover trying to regain health. It builds up the suspense and it’s just fantastic.

There are a bunch of firearms you can wield. From the grenade, to the bazooka, and even the M1 Garand, there are a bunch of different weapons for you to wield and win the war with.

Overall, the game is okay. The lack of online play and the short campaign mode is terrible. It’s a fun first person shooter to play, but there are other better ones out there. I suggest you rent this. If you buy it, you’ll beat it and that’s it.