With a few new features which really don't add much, if anything at all to the game it's still the same old story.

User Rating: 5.5 | Medal of Honor: Vanguard PS2
Well lol if you have read any of my earlier reviews on the MoH series you will know that at one point I was a huge fan of this series (mainly when it first came out) but now as the series has gone through such a horrible degradation I have weened myself away from it. This game is no different from any of the others, there are a few different things which make the game slightly different from the others but not enough to make this game stand out from the series rather appalling past. The medal system is slightly different such as you can get medals for getting 10 headshots in a mission or not dying etc. This is as far as the reward system goes though, making a huge dent in any possible replayability, the other new system is the ability to land your parachute which is fun at first but in the end just becomes a nuisance which you must get past in order to begin your mission in earnest. So all in all this game is nothing really new and isn't even a good enough waste of time in order to buy it.