Short but sweet [A - "one day job"]

User Rating: 7.5 | Medal of Honor: Vanguard PS2
Lets be blunt, most of the Medal of honor games up to now have been ...RUBBISH. In those days EA were just making a game, not compeiting.But when the brilliant Call of duty series produced, possibley the best WW2 game so far - Call of duty 3. Medal of honor had to really step it up a notch, for their next game to compeit at all. The game has few bad features:
*bad graphics
*no story line
*not very vast >[you cant go in any vecihiles]

The game has all the fire power and the same weapons in as CD3, thats why some people have gone as far as to call it a copy. But Vanguard has added some nice new features:
Campaigns-The campaigns are about real different operations that went on around europe during WW2, each campaign has about 3-4 levels in it.

Parachuting-The whole game is about the soliders that dropped to different locations around europe in WW2. So at the start of every campaign you drop in by parachute.

Weapon upgrades-CD3 has been copyed when it comes to weapons but the cool thing about Vanguards weapons are that they are upgradable. e.g. the upgrade for a rifle can be found in an enemy trench-a scope changing it into a sniper rifle.

Medals-Medals are awarded after every campaign for different things.