Two big thumbs up!!!

User Rating: 9.9 | Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault PC
Medal of Honor Pacific Assault is a fantastic game. I've been playing for about three hours so far and am thoroughly impressed. This title definitely rivals Call of Duty and as a die hard COD fan, I honestly believe MOHPA just might be better. FIrst off, the attention to detail is superb. When you get right down to it, it's obvious the developers have gone out of their way to add all of the little things that make a FPS top notch. When you're knee deep in it you truly feel immersed. Bullets zinging by your head, richocheting off of nearby targets, and explosions that will throttle you. I can't say I felt this immersed in COD. Close, but not to this level. The sound effects are right on the money. The sound alone takes the level of realism to another level. The weaponary fire is truly authentic, regardless of what weapon you choose. From 30mm mounted machine guns to rifles, I can honestly say this is the best audio I've heard in a long time. Communication between you and your unit is very authentic as well. As you snipe a target you might hear your one of your unit call out 'Great shot'. The developers have done wonders with the speech and kept it from being repetitive. In fact, it's extremely dynamic. Graphics? Again, the developers have obviously put a lot of effort into the environments and all objects within them. 3D modeling is perfect and animations are very solid. The environments are extremely detailed.They've also added some very interesting features, such as a realistic recoil/vibration during weapon fire, that really makes you feel like you're firing that weapon IRL. As for performance, it's a bit taxing on your system, and I was reduced to running 1280x1024 (4x/8x) even with a 3.0 Intel, 2GB RAM, GeForce 6800 GT OC. However, even in 1280x1024 it was polished and in many ways, much more polished than COD, especially with respect to vehicles, surroundings, and NPCs. The AI is very well done. No bumping into squad mates or other NPCs. Everything moves seamlessly and I have yet to experience one instance of questionable AI. They put a lot of work into the AI and it clearly shows. This title is worth every penny and as a hard critict, I feel GS underated it. However, to each his own. If you loved COD, you will certainly enjoy MOHPA, and quite possibly more than COD as I have. In short, MOHPA is a winner and a very authentic one at that!