Although it has minor quibbles, this game was well worth the $60 + s/h fees. Very addicting and easily the best MoH yet.

User Rating: 9.3 | Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault PC
This game is terrific. Don't pass judgement from the demos because this game has changed greatly since they were released, particularly the SP demo. The level that demo is based on is entirely different. The graphics are superb, if very taxing, although I haven't seen the blurred screen effects on the machine guns that everyone raves about. Oh well, not important. The weapons are very realistic and well modelled and completely fair. I hear a lot of complaints about how bad the Resing M55 is, but that gun actually WAS terrible. In general it is cool. The bolt action animations are realistically timed, a first for WW2 games considering all past MoHs and CoD games had the bolts move smooth as butter. Not in this. Also, the shotgun is useful but not insanely overpowered like in MoHAA. The sound is incredible, particularly the music. It was so good to me that I gave a burned CD to a music professor at UF and asked him to guess where the music was from. When I told him it was from a computer game he was flabberghasted. It is extremely powerful music that is timed so perfectly during gameplay that it makes the gameplay doubly more enjoyable. The AI is superior to most other games, although I am tired of my corpsman running in circles around me saying he can't find me. Otherwise, very good AI. EXAMPLE OF TERRIFIC GAMEPLAY IN PROGRESS: My squad, after being hounded and on the run, finally found the crashed pilot we were searching for. I told my squad to lay down cover fire, which they did well. I ran to the pilot while firing my crappy Reising at the enemy until I was empty, at which point I picked him up. I struggled to carry him to the shelter of my team's perimeter in a rocky cove when I heard a shrill yell behind me. I turned around to see a sword weilding captain charging at me headlong. I gunned him down with my .45 revolver because EA was nice enough to allow you to shoot from the hip with a pistol when carrying a body (VERY nice touch). I left him with the medic and grabbed the semiauto shotgun from the crashsite and began gunning down attackers until it ran empty, at which point I shot my revolver until THAT was empty and was forced to club the enemy with my pistol until we were able to evacuate under fire. During all of this is some of the best action music EVER! SOOO AWESOME!