The best game in the Medal of Honor series.

User Rating: 10 | Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault PC
This game is the most addictive game i've ever played. With the Hidden objectives and the Hero Moments objectives, the game is very good, because you must find out what those objectives are. For the beginners I think is really hard to find those objectives, but when you get on a high level of playing it will be very easy. I don't like very much how the grenades are thrown.
The training is very very good (if you do not make what the instructor says you will play from the last save).
Pearl Harbour is the easiest mission in the game, but don't get to confident.
Makin Atoll is the firt serious mission, and you will have to kill some Japs.
The next mission, Guadalcanal, is the longest and exciting mission in the entire game. Here you have to find more hidden objectives, and to kill most Japs (the most in the all game). In the end of the mission you will have to 'drive' a plane and land safely aboard USS Independence (this will be made automatically).
The last mission, Tarawa, is the Marines D-Day. You will need some skills to do this.
But when you will finish you will see the game merits a high score.