One of the best for the GBA...

User Rating: 8 | Medal of Honor GBA
Medal of Honor: Infiltrator is the second Medal of Honor game released for the GBA. MOH: Infiltrator is a drastic improvement over its predecessor and is challenging, yet satisfying. MOH: Infiltrator takes place during World War 2, and you control an American soldier named Murphy who is taking on the Axis Powers. The game features an overhead view and is comprised of five main missions. Each of those missions is broken down into two or three smaller missions. There are main and sub-objectives to be completed during each level. Completing main and sub-objectives in the game unlocks a Max G.I. mode and a survival mode. Max G.I. mode can only be accessed by completing the game and obtaining all the main and sub-objectives. This allows you to play the game from the beginning with Murphy wearing a different colored uniform. However, when playing this mode..the game must be completed without stopping and without losing a life. Survival mode is obtained by completing all the main objectives in the game, and opens a bonus game which you can play. Each time you complete one of main levels you are rewarded with an extra life. The game-play is pretty basic, you spend your time shooting enemy soldiers and searching through the levels for secret documents at times. The controls are straight-forward. You control the direction of your movement with the D-pad, change from your gun to grenades or charges with the B button, fire with the A button, reload with the L button and strafe with the R button. There are bunkers throughout the game, which allow you to replenish your ammunition supply as well as change weapons. All weapons are available in the game, so there are no weapons to unlock. There are some levels where remaining stealth is your friend. You can sneak up behind enemy soldiers and attack them with a knife, as to not alert other soldiers to your presence. Usually when a shot is fired, other soldiers will rush to the action. There are also watchtowers with searchlights to avoid, as an alarm will sound summoning the enemy to your position if you are spotted. Although the majority of the game is from a top-down view, there are some levels where you are attacking in a side-scrolling nature. During these levels, you are either on a ship, in a plane, or defending a fort. These missions last approximately two minutes in length, and the goal is to stay alive for the alloted time while destroying the enemy as well. Overall, this is a challenging game..however it is definitely beatable. There are times where you may be frustrated but with this game due to the difficulty, but practice definitely helps. This game is very pleasing to the eye, and it is not difficult to recognize items in the terrain, such as hills or mines. The sound great as well, and you can clearly make out the enemy soldiers yelling "attack!". If you are a fan of the Medal Of Honor series, then you can't go wrong with this game. If you are looking for a good action game for the GBA, you can't go wrong as well. This game will appeal to players of a few different genres and will provide you with many hours of great game playing.