This game is the best FPS for the PSP so far!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.6 | Medal of Honor Heroes PSP
I played this game and I was really impresed by it.

Gameplay: If you played the Medal of Honor games on the PC, then you will probaly know what to expect from this game. This game is in WW2 and you play as the Americans or as the Germans. This game features all you favorite weapons from Bazooka to shotgun, and it also features all your favorite maps from the PCs' games. Now I will tell you about the modes that are in the game. The first mode is the story mode which contains 15 challenging missions. In each mission, you will be in diferent location and you will begin with a different weapon. The storymode has 3 different countries like Italy and your job is to do the missions that are given to you at the beginning of the mission. The AI in the storymode is really easy because the developers programmed the AI so that it will be easier for beginers. The second mode I want to talk about is the Skirmish mode which lets you choose a map and choose the number of people in the battle and then you can choose the type of soldier you want to be which is really funny because, you can choose to be a german soldier but you can make him wear is Pijamas which is really funny and you can also pick a german soldier wearing nothing but a shirt and his underwear which is cool. I wanted to point out the fact that I said that the AI in the storymode is easy because in this mode, the AI is harder but still, if you finished the storymode, then you will be able to kick some butt in the skirmish mode. There are two more modes I will like to talk about but that will be in the "Value" part of the review. The controlls will get some time to get use to but when you get the hand of it, you will start kicking some butt. The camera angles are really good (because it is a FPS game) and the frame rate is really amazing because, even when you play offline and online, the frame rate really follows through and in my 3 months of playing the game, there wasn't even one second of freeze in offline gameplay and in online gameplay. The loading times in this game aren't really noticible which is really good because you won't have to wait long to get into offline and online action.

Graphics: The graphics in this game are probaly the best graphics I have seen on the PSP so far. The weapons' models look really nice, the environments are really big and full of veriaty from hiding spots like underground tunnels and buildings, the menues look really nice and the cutscenes are well done. Another thing that is effecting the graphics is the loading times and frame rate which I said before, both of them work really nice.

Sound: The sound inthis game is well done. The weapons' sounds sound really nice and the music really gives you a feeling of World War 2 action. There was only one problem I had with the sound and that is with the objectives. Instead of voiceovers, telling you what you need to do in each level, you have a text which explains about the mission and what are your missions.

Value: You can play this game for hours and hours trying to finish the game. The storymode is short but with all the unlockbales and the online action, the game will keep you busy for a really long time. Now let me talk about the last two modes that I promised that I will talk about them in this part of the review. The mode is Multiplayer and it is devided to Ad-hoc mode and infrastructure mode. The Ad-hoc mode lets you play with up to 8 players and the infrastructure mode lets you play with up to 32! players which is makes the game the best online game on the PSP so far. both of these modes are really fun and they both have the same modes that you can play in online which I will explain about each other right now. There is Deathmatch mode which I know that most of you know what it is. If not, then basiclly it is a mode where you playing against each other and who ever kill the most, or get killed the least win. The second mode is Infiltration mode which is the same mode as Capture the Flag where you go into the enemie's base and steal their flag. The team that captures most of the enemies' flags win. The third mode is Domination which is a mode where you and your team need to capture all the areas on the map. Who ever does it first, win. The forth mode is Demolition which is a mode where you and your time need to choose one of two bomb sites and destroy it. Then, the enemie needs to guess the bomb site that you want to destroy. If they are correct, they win. If not, you win. The fifth mode is Hold the Line which is a mode where you need to capture a point in the map (like in missions) and defend it. The team with most protected and captured points in the map, win. The sixth and final mode is Battlelines which is a mode where you need to capture points of the map, and you are given a number which is the number of points you need to capture. The team who gets to that score first win. So as you see, with all of these modes, you won't be bored of this game for a second.

Reviewer's tilt: Overall, Medal of Honor Heroes ends up to be one of the best and exciting games I have ever seen on the PSP so far. The gameplay is great, the graphics are awesome (with the frame rate) and the time you can spend on the game is long and unbelivible. If you have a PSP, go buy this game because it is a must have. Although you need time to get used to the controlls, you will definitely have a great time with this game.