Intresting game but it coujld of beeing better.

User Rating: 8.4 | Medal of Honor Heroes PSP
Gameplay: So in Medal of Honor: Heroes, the basic story behind the game revolves around three different soldiers during WWII. The three solider on show are Sergeant John Baker, Lieutenant Jimmy Patterson and Lieutenant William Holt. If you ever played a MOH game before then at least one, if not more, of these names should be familiar to you. It seems they are copying this idea from Call of Duty. Each of the soldiers in the game get 5 sets of missions each which add up to fifteen war-torn missions to fight through. Each of the missions last around 20 minutes in length so basic maths will tell you that it should take around 5 hours to play through the single player portion of the game.The single player campaign may not be as intense as other versions in the series, but this is still unmistakably a Medal of Honor title with decent AI from your team and enemies. As a handheld title the missions are kept relatively short, although what’s disappointing here is the lack of variety, which makes the game seemingly obsessed with capturing flags. You do get to blow some stuff up, but these moments are sadly few and far between. This lack of diversity also falls into the bonus missions, which predominantly involves you seeking out documents over and over again. There is also a multiplayer part of the game which is just ok. There is just the usuall deathmatch and team death match modes. You can hook up your PSP to the internet to fight against other people or you can put up computer generated enemy's to fight against offline. The only thing that I did not like was the controls. It's especially hard to turn fast enought left or right when the enemy is attacking you from the flank.

Graphics: The graphics are accually not bad. They look pretty good.
It's simply an impressive effort. Moving such a beloved and cinematic franchise to the PSP may sound like a bad idea , but the PSP manages to run the graphics quite nicely. The effects of the bullets bounceing off the walls, the colors, explotions amazingly look great on the PSP. Sound: The sound in this game is absouluty amazing. The sounds and soundtrack should sound the way it should sound, from the gunfire to the voice acting in the game.

Value: All in all, The value of this game just ok. Once you are done with single player there is not much replay value in that. The multiplayer part is not bad and will keep you entertained for a while but you will get board of that too if you don't play the game online. So in the end I give this game 8.0 out of 10.