Medal of Honor Allied Assault by loki

User Rating: 9 | Medal of Honor: Allied Assault PC
Having played this since its inception, plenty of time has gone by in seven years having owned it. Medal of Honor when it first came out had nothing else like it. No other first person shooter had the draw like this game created, especially for the World War 2 era. The game has very decent narration to it and attractive story line that is themed well into the game pertaining to the era. The graphics are average in my opinion while the playability is easy. The storming of Normandy is hard, yet very fun at the same time. The sniper town map can be easily frustrating while also challenging. The end part where you have to escape through enemies and gas leaked corridors that explode is a real pain fora finishing mission. Overall re-playability is excellent. Multiplayer is average on this game, but easily prone I think too hackers. The maps are are rather simple as is the the game modes. The German grenade launcher was fun too use, which stood out as in originality. Good for its day, but eventually this series would be swept aside by competition for the World War 2 era. Exception is that is was ground breaking in its day for a making a historical themed shooter appeal-able to the general public.