"A good game in its own right, you should definitly give Max Payne a try."

User Rating: 8 | Max Payne PS2
Not in a long time have I played a game as cool as Max Payne. This game is truly innovative in alot of ways, but it also borrows alot from other genre's, but darn it, it borrows well. Graphics The graphics in this game are quite good, but nothing extrodanary. During your first few minutes through this game, you'll probably be thinking (unless you own an X-Box or a PC) ''WOW, these graphics sure are cool!'' Then, when you get to later levels in the game, you'll begin seeing the same exact levels, rooftops, enemies, and buildings used over and over again. Also, the collision detection is kind wacky. As an example, while trying to get a grasp on the controls, I continually kept running into a wall, and I realized that half of Max was through the wall, while his other half was standing on the right side. Yes, it is weird, but besides these nit-picky bits, graphics in Max Payne are quite good. Gameplay This is where the game got good for me. If you have seen ''The Matrix'', then you'll realize where Remedy got the idea for ''Bullet Time'' for. Simply put, ''Bullet Time'' enables you to slow down time, including the enemies movements AND bullets. The kicker is that YOUR bullets go the normal rate of speed. At first, I never used this much, but later on in the game, you'll depend on this at every big gun fight. The enemies are also something that make this game shine. There pretty funny at times (wait 'till you make it to the bar!) and can be pretty visicous. Something that can be quite annoying though, is exactly what I just said, the enemies can be EXTREMELY visicous at times. Man, if they so much as shoot you once with a shotgun, kiss your health goodbye. Other then that, and that is a big THAT, Max Payne's gameplay is rock-solid. Story Story is something that Max Payne does not falter in. Every twist and turn that occured in Max Payne had me hooked. The comic book like presentation of the between level scene's is totally brilliant, and is something I've never seen in a videogame before (okay, excluding Comic Zone for Genesis). I simply cannot spoil ANY of this for you, you MUST hear the story yourself. Sound Max Payne's sound is something that really didn't do it for me. For some reason, even when I do try, I can't remember any of the songs, or tunes, from the game. A definate turn-off. Although, every time you fire that gun, you can very easily hear it, and every time Max makes a witty comment, it can be heard without any of an effort (unless your deaf). Final Ratings Graphics-9 Gameplay-10 Story-10 Sound-6