Max Payne 3 comes back, but he isn't the real Max Payne, he's a PAIN in my ass I'll tell you that. Buggy & Glitchy!

User Rating: 6 | Max Payne 3 X360
I was pretty stoked, when it came to Max Payne 1 & 2. But 3... Not so much. In my opinion the whole new setting does not work. First I miss the grimmery feel of NY. In the new games it's mostly all sunshine. The darkness surrounding the Max Payne francise has gone. Then the story, during the first part I already knew who I needed to kill in a endfight. Also we have shootscenes and all those shootsscenes are followed by cutscenes, to give you as player a break. In my opnion this works bad, cause once that long-ass cutscene ends, you are not totally focussed on what comes. LOADS amounts of goons, all at once, but first you will have to swap back to your machinegun or shotgun again, before you will be able to use it. What happens a lot also is that when you start shooting, your aimdot will go in front of Max, which will make it impossible to kill or you shoot the enemy-AI in the head and the headshot doesn't register, which probably will lead to you needing to spray and pray the target enemy-AI. Enemy-AI are trully professionalls, there bullets somehow fly around/over/ your cover and hit you.

I'm glad I bought the game for around €15,00, but even that is still a high to price for this game. I still could go on & on, but to keep it simple. Play this game with your friends on your chouch and you'll enjoy a great B-Movie.

And as last Rockstar should hire me for part 4. :)