A sequel that lives up to the incredible hype of its predecessor

User Rating: 9 | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne PC
This sequel succeeds in so many ways.

First off, the graphics have had a colossal overhaul with the new game engine. There is some form of simple physics applied to most items which makes the world seem much more alive. This translates into more fun in the fray of action, as you can knock over enemy cover, shoot explosives to blow up the entire room, adding an extra dimension to the gameplay.

Also, the storyline succeeds because it expands on the plot from the original game, and offers a few fun twists and ambiguous hintings that delve deeper into the mind of our protagonist. The methodology of the storytelling has also improved. There graphic novel cutscenes have been drawn much better, and they are all voice acted professionally. They make Max Payne 2 flow seamlessly from beginning to end.

The gameplay mechanics are in large part the same, but have been tweaked in minimal ways. These small changes give a surprising increase in control over your character, which is crucial in a game that is action-centric.

The main complaint I have is that you are forced to start at a set difficulty, which in my opinion is far too easy. Your bullet-time recharges MUCH faster than in the predecessor, so it feels like a crutch that can be used in every single firefight.

Hope this review helped you make a more informed decision on your purchase, and please leave a thumbs up!