Max Payne 2 is a good sequel, but those who have played the first one will find nothing new except a storyline

User Rating: 8.8 | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne XBOX
Max Payne 2 is an overall good run-and-gun game. The graphics are still good and the enemies are never-the-less funnier to than ever when they're getting shot up. More guns are also in the game, but not many.

The levels within the game give a gritty feel, which really makes you believe your a cop in a corupt town. The action is awesome and the oh-so clever bullet-time (which then had its name changed over the coarse of other games) and the blood spatter is just plain guilty pleasure.

However if you've played Max Payne on either system nothing much has improved but the graphics, and if your just looking for more Max Payne I suggest you rent this one.