Intense action game

User Rating: 9.3 | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne PC
Max Payne 2 is a very intense, thrilling action game. in the game there is a wide variety of weapons at your desposal and many of the objects found in the levels are movable. the game has a really great physics system and fantastic graphics. but what really makes the game unique is its use of bullet time or slow motion that max is able to use in order to slaughter his enemies. this is very fun to use and really adds a lot to the game. the game is fairly short but u can always go back and try the various game types, difficulty settings, or just play any of the levels over again. the sound is very atmospheric and each characters voice acting is very well done. though the levels are basicly the same in what you do (shoot bad guys) there is a variety of different mission types that keep it interesting and the gamer coming back for more. this is one of my favorite PC games and a game any action fan should have.