If you have ever played Master of Orion I or II do NOT even open the box, burn it and flush the ashes.

User Rating: 1 | Master of Orion III PC
Well, what can I say. It is the worst PC game sequel ever. An analogy to movies would be Caddyshack II.

I do not know the buffer on this text window, but I could fill it with point after point about how bad this game really is.

Reading in the forums about this game is more fun than the game itself. People who have just clicked next turn a few hundred times and won the game, etc. You can't control, observe, or correct most features of the game (thus its more of watching a game than playing it).

I did give the game FOUR days of continual playing to try and like it, as I waited for the game for some time.

Whoever playtested this game should be dipped in boiling oil then set on fire.