Master of Illusion isn't a game in the normal sense of the word. It is an educational foray into the world of magic.

User Rating: 10 | Magic Taizen DS
Master of Illusion isn't a game in the normal sense of the word. It is an educational foray into the world of magic. It gives the DS owner a chance to learn some pretty neat magic tricks and perform them for family and friends or their own entertainment. The special deck of cards that come with the game add an extra element to the magical atmosphere. The game is broken down into Magic Training, Solo Magic, and Magic Show. Magic Training is where you train and get rated in the world of magic. Solo Magic is where you learn individual tricks and practice them. Magic Show is where you perform for an audience. In every level you are being ranked in your magic abilities. There is ample opportunity to practice and rehearse every trick and there are many tricks included. This game could keep you busy for hours. My first time out (intended to be 15 minutes) lasted 3 hours! To say this game is addictive is an understatement! This has got to be the best investment since I bought the DS!