Not the worst game ever, but a game you really won't come back too once you unlock all the magic tricks. Well, maybe.

User Rating: 7 | Magic Taizen DS
Now I just want to get this out of the way now: This game is not bad. It just gets boring after you play it for a while. If you have a lot of family members then this game will keep you and your folks entertained for a while. But if you're family isn't in too magic tricks, you really shouldn't get this game.

The game starts off ok. It was actually pretty fun seeing all the cool tricks you could do. But then once you unlock all of them you'll be thinking: "Ok.. so what now?" and then, well, there isn't anything. If this game mixed up the action a little with more magic tricks, more replay value, or maybe a multiplayer option would of been cool. You know, take turns doing tricks to each other.

The thing that makes the game unique is it could only be done on the DS. If it was for any other console it wouldn't cut it because you use the speaker, touch screen, and much more. Definitely the cards are very useful. You use them for magic tricks, and you can even use them outside the game as regular cards.

So all I have to say is, will you buy this game? Let's see here... WHAT? 30 $? Ok, 30$ isn't worth the price. But if you can get the game and cards at a cheaper price, it would be worth a buy. If you want to start learning some magic tricks, this game is pretty much worth the buy! Maybe not the best game, but it certainly isn't bad by any standards.