While not exactly a must-have, Master of Illusion brings some fun to the DS, Its worth buying just for the magic cards!

User Rating: 8 | Magic Taizen DS
Master of Illusion for the DS was a surprising title. I picked it up for cheap one day and was satisfied with it, basically because I got a cool set of magic cards for next to nothing.

The game starts with a creepy, large chested woman who claims to own the magic shop. It through me off a bit but keep playing. This game runs like most of the newer Nintendo games are lately, the more you play the more you unlock. You only get to play a couple very simple magic tricks in the beginning but you will eventually unlock some very complex magic tricks, majority of which use the magic cards the game comes with.

The tricks themselves are fun for a little while but it's definatly directed towards a younger audience. The only flaw really is that you can only unlock a few magic tricks per day. The best way to get around it is to go into your DS settings and set the day ahead one day to continue playing.

There are three different modes in which to play in, One in which you have magic tricks performed to you, one where you perform to others, and a mode to "hone your magician skills". Most of the ones you do by yourself are pretty simple to figure out after you play it a couple times. The tricks you show to others are almost always using the DS, so you constantly have to have it with you to show anyone. There are really no tricks to learn that use only the cards so you can show anyone, anytime. The games in the Training section are hard to get used to, but become pretty fun after you've learned what to do, especially Kitty Corners.

After you've unlocked all of the magic tricks in the game, this game looses a bit of its replay value. Once you've figured out how all of the One Player tricks work, there's no reason to play them anymore. While the Magic tricks are always fun to show people, you always need your DS and some of the more complex tricks are difficult to remember all the rules for.

Summary: It's a fun game directed at a younger audience. The Magic cards you get are pretty awesome once you figure out their secret. You can only learn a couple magic tricks a day, so you have change your DS Settings to continue playing. Once you've unlocked all of the magic tricks, this game gets pretty boring. Some of the magic tricks are hard to remember all the rules are.

Graphics: 8 (They arn't really an issue with this game)
Replay Value: 8 (You can show others the magic tricks, but it's seriously boring One Player)
Audio: 6 (Not really much to listen to)
Controls: 9 (The Magic cards are cool, the intructions are pretty straight forward but difficult to remember them all)