Next time, just make a movie out of it, and don´t count on me in it.

User Rating: 5.5 | Mass Effect PC
Cgicore just mentioned it, is like a Movie, and you participate in it as the main actor, you could choose your path and you can make some kills and runs when it´s needed.. and yes, there´s plenty of dialogue to fulfill your actor-dream.

The movie-game starts with a nice story-line, makes you wanting more and go further in it, but when you take a break and think about it, you realize that the game don´t let you run the show, it drives you all the way to the finish line and it lets you make some moves by yourself in a movie set... when you have to do something that takes a few minutes to complete it.

The combat mode is a joke, why you need so many guns and rifles, when your smallest gun do the job pretty easily, the aiming is bad in a big gun, so choose the smallest gun with the smallest aim and run to the guy and shoot him in the face! The sniper gun is also handy, at least it could take more time to aim before the director cut your intervention with another scene play.

There´s a lot more to explore, try to contact a local movie maker to discuss the matter.