I'm not sure why this game was rated so low. It's not a bad game at all!

User Rating: 9 | Mass Effect: Andromeda PS4

…. EA, don't pull the plug on your Mass Effect franchise! I'm hear to tell you that the first Mass Effect game had some similar reactions. That is what Andromeda reminds me of too -- the first Mass Effect game. I've played all 3 previous Mass Effects and I think the second was my favorite, but the first was a close second. By rebooting the storyline, Andromeda faces many of the obstacles of the first Mass Effect, and it will be fine as long as they learn lessons from the first game and improve it in the second, which is what the original trilogy did to perfection.

Andromeda has many of the same ups and downs of the first Mass Effect. The story/action balance isn't quite as smooth as Part 2 which did the best job of all 4 games. Andromeda does a great job making crafting and searching for materials as tedious as it was in the first game which may rub some people the wrong way but I prefer a little bit of grind in my RPG. The story could be more exciting, and I think the game gets itself so bogged down in conversation text, history archives and cut scenes that it forgets it's a game at heart, but there hasn't been a Mass Effect game yet that I didn't get that same feeling at one point and click through the subtitled conversations just a little bit faster to get to the next bit of action.

The open world explorations are by far the best of all 4 Mass Effects and I genuinely looked forward to exploring planets in my rover and fighting the evil Kett! The party members are honestly probably not as memorable as the first three Mass Effect games, but I think people forget that they weren't that great either in the first Mass Effect, but grew on us more and more after each sequel. Which is why I would tell EA to give this franchise another shot and please give Andromeda a sequel!