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User Rating: 8 | Mass Effect: Andromeda (Deluxe Edition) XONE

I am a fan of the prior mass effect games so naturally I was looking forward to this game. After waiting years for the game to come out, I was disappointed that the reviews of the game were so negative. The reviews made me question if I even wanted the game. Despite the adverse reviews, I decided to purchase the game. I found some of the same problems other users reported but I found working through the glitches worth it.

I would have played in the commander Shepherd world ME:1-3) for at least a couple more games and was concerned that Bioware decided to move on from that world. In the end, I was glad they made the change. The new story line is pretty good and the characters are relatable. The balance between game play and character interaction is good. After finishing the game, I find myself hoping EA / Bioware will release more content but they recently indicated that they will not provide DLC for the game. I hope they reverse that decision and, more importantly, I hope EA / Bioware decide to release additional ME games. In the end Andromeda was a nice surprise and well worth the play.