Expectations too high, but solid game

User Rating: 8 | Mass Effect: Andromeda PC

Mass Effect Andromeda is a solid and fun addition to Mass Effect series as a stand alone game. The problem is that the Mass Effect trilogy is just so brilliant.

The good. I really appreciated the emphasis on exploration (more like the original mass effect), and the worlds presented really were excellent... best in series with the new "Mako". Combat was very fast paced and fun, but I somewhat missed the more tactical-management of my team (it could be considered a trade worth making for the faster pace). The weapons really felt good and different. The story and acting was fine, but I felt like it was just a lead-up to a wider story line (just the first act). I am now worried that I may never get the second and third act with the poor reception of some.

The problem is that there were too many miss-opportunities for the expectations: Poor facial animations (obviously), introduction of just three Andromeda species (why not many more... we had 7 or more in the original mass effect), could not manage equipment/suits for teammates to make if feel like a true squad. The villain was also a little bland... in the original you had mystery surrounding Saren that was missing and the more horror type species (husks, rachni, etc.)

All that said, I am really looking forward to a sequel for this where Bioware gets a chance to tell a solid story and fix some of these issues after getting all of the technical hurdles out of the way by having to rebuild Mass Effect in Frostbite. I just hope EA lets them work out these issues.