Mass Effect 3 is one of the best RPG games to ever come out this generation and an epic ending of the best Trilogy tale

User Rating: 9 | Mass Effect 3 PS3
The Mass Effect Trilogy is the best trilogy game to ever come out this generation or any other past generation. The character, Commander Shepard, marks him/her self as one of the most memorable character in the video games industry. Not just Commander Shepard, but also the supporting characters in the game. The story is just amazing in every way, but let's see what's good and what's bad about it, shall we?

WARNING: if you haven't played any Mass Effect game before, stop reading this immediately, because there'll be spoilers for you that's why it's highly recommended playing Mass Effect 2 for PS3 and Mass Effect 1 & 2 for Xbox/PC.

Presentation and Story:

The story picks up right after Mass Effect 2 where Commander Shepard has left the terrorist group, Cerberus. The Reapers, machine that terminates organic lifeforms every 50,000 years, are coming to the end cycle of the whole galaxy including Earthborns, the humans. Your mission is to stop the reapers and put an end to their cycle using a prothean device called the crucible. This device has to be build in order to stop the Reapers.

This may sound like a very traditional story but once you go deep and interact with the story, you'd feel something different about it. The way it's being told is just amazing, not just the story, but the development of the characters, and choices you have in your hands are what makes the story so great. Although it's short, but you will experience one of the best stories ever told in a video game.

Because you have to import your character from Mass Effect 2 to 3, the choices you made in the previous game take a very big effect. Characters that didn't survive the suicide mission in the Mass Effect 2 won't be seen in this part. You'll still have the option to change the class of your created Shepard, even you can change his/her looks too. But I found it unnecessary.


The Mass Effect games are all about the storytelling and fortunately, it succeeds in telling an unforgettable tale that I will not forget.

Score: 10 out of 10

Sound and Voice Acting:

Unlike Japanese RPGs, the voice acting in Western RPGs are significantly better. Mass Effect 3, like previous the two entries in the series, offer a great voice acting. Commander Shepard, regardless if it was male or female has a great voice. Supporting characters like Liara, Garrus, Kaiden, EDI and new introduced character called James, share the same voice acting skills like Shepard. Not only that, NPCs in the Citadel feel so alive because of the dialogue heard while exploring the city or doing side missions. Listening to the characters reminds of watching a Sci-Fi movie or series.

Sound is also great, the effects are good. Especially the gun firing sounds. There aren't many numbered differences found regarding the sound in Mass Effect 3 from Mass Effect 2. It's almost identical. It's not something bad really, it's still the same quality and I enjoyed it as much as the previous game.

Score: 9 out of 10


Well, here's the problem, I think it's very minor and it's not that big of an issue, but the game suffers from a bad frame rate. Don't get me wrong. It only happens while conversations and it's not something you'd see all the time. I remember once talking to an NPC, the person himself was invincible. I couldn't see him and sometimes Shepard suddenly disappears, too. All in all is just a small complaint. I'm sure, it wouldn't ruin the experience for you.

Maps are linear, mostly. Even the world map. You'd get very few places to visit. Except if you want to explore and it's not that big deal because you have absolutely nothing to gain. The only place you can visit is the Citadel. It's all linear to keep the story intact and the player wouldn't go anywhere.

Artistically, the game is beautiful and it's an improvement over the previous title. The faces are so more detailed this time around. Expressions are so clear. You can see Commander Shepard angry and it's not pretty when he/she's angry. However things like explosions don't have that big effect. They don't have impacts in them.

Score: 8 out of 10


Here's where the real improvements are made in the game. The weapons are not connected to the class of the character. They're all open, you can be a vanguard and still have a sniper rifle. If you have your imported character, you'd get the same level that was in Mass Effect 2. I started the game with Level 30 that was when I beat the previous game in its maximum level. Good thing, you'd carry it all the way. I beat the game with Level 50 and still there's a possibility for grinding.

The mechanics are still the same as Mass Effect 2, but feels fluids and smoother. Now Commander Shepard has Heavy Melee Attack and Light Melee Attack. In addition, you can dodge enemy fire now instead of taking cover, but still taking cover is the primary mechanic found in the game. The series is always compared to Third-Person Shooters like Gears of Wars and Vanquish. It's still Western RPG game full of gun fire and action. But regardless of the genre you'd be amazed and you will get your money's worth on this.

You can modify your weapons as well by purchasing or finding their parts while doing missions. There are a wide collections of weapons for each gun. You have the side arm gun, handgun, shotgun, sniper rifle, submachine gun and assault rifle.

Score: 8.5 out of 10.

Mass Effect 3's Conclusion:

The ending is dependable on the choices you made throughout the game. The side missions are all cornered in the Citadel and most of them are just fetching quests. The only missions that get you to the actions are the primary missions. But trust me, you will experience of the best trilogy tales that it was ever told.

General Pros and Cons:

^_^ Amazing Story

^_^ Great Cast of Characters

^_^ Awesome Action

-_- Graphical Frame Rate

-_- Game Freezes in Loading Times.

Overall Score: 9 out of 10