This is a one of a kind experience, only people looking for the same old same old could be upset

User Rating: 10 | Mass Effect 3 X360
Let me start by thanking Bioware! Let us thank developers for taking the time to create a game that lets us not only choose our fate in every game in this series but also putting the effort into even making some trivial decision points have cameo appearances or major changes in the next of the series. I had to start from Mass Effect one when I first heard of this amazing idea. I can't say enough how this series is one of my favorites. Even critics who powerful people consider important have rivaled the Mass Effect universe with that of Star Wars. I feel like there's not much more the say past that. However I have heard a lot of negative reviews on this final chapter of such an epic tale of heroism, faith, companionship, and inter-species compassions. There was such an outrage about the ending of this game the creators spent their time to create, I believe, a 2 gig free download to expand on it and make changes. I'd like to state the only thing I found wrong with this most recent addition to the Mass Effect series was the option to opt out of essentially PLAYING MASS EFFECT. There was an "action" mode in which you cancel the option of playing an immersive choice effected RPG 3rd person shooter and play just a 3rd person shooter called Mass Effect 3. This lead people who wouldn't be attracted to the game to purchase it (good work Bioware) however spawned alot of hate for such an authentic game. Bottom line, if you have the time find all 3 (or the newly packaged trilogy copy) Mass Effects and beat the living crap out of this game series. While you're at it, grab some of the add-ons , make sure you do this well before the end of the game. Even the choices made in the add-ons or even the fact that you got them to begin with will effect your story through all three games. Even if, as stated, they are just a cameo appearance, I still had a smile spark at the fact that my money was well spent. I could go on for a while, my lady could write even more then me, Fem Shep was a hit Bioware I don't care what critics say about female protagonists.