It could've been the crown jewel of gaming for quite some time.

User Rating: 9 | Mass Effect 3 X360
Mass Effect 3, what happened to this game is tragedy. I only have one issue with the entire game, but I'll explain that later. Let's start with all the good about this game. First the gameplay is amazing. Ducking in and out of cover seems more fluid than ever in the franchise and all of the weapon and armor customization is nice. Granted there were a few glitches especially with your squad mate's AI, but I quickly got over it with all the good in this game. The mining system in this game is a bit of a step backwards from ME2, but its not too bad once you figure out what it's about. The environments were amazing seeing Earth being invaded and then seeing the Turian world in flames among all of the other fantastic worlds you visit. The Citadel did feel a little limited though. Now the story, well up until the end the story was amazing, and the final battle for earth was like nothing I've ever seen in any sci-fi game, book, or movie. And the story has a certain way of wrapping you up in the emotional aspect, you feel really connected to every character and some of course you hate and there is even the little sense of humor here or there. Then the ending came. I completely see where bioware was attempting to go here with the whole Greek tragedy ending, but there are some major plot holes here that just don't make any sense. This was supposed to be the closing of a trilogy, but the ending raised more questions than answers for me. It also makes all those decisions you made, the backbone of the franchise, mean little to nothing. The ending, I'm sorry to say looks like it was rushed and didn't have a lot of work put into it. Overall this game is almost perfect and is until the end, but the end will leave a bitter taste in your mouth for a while.