On par with the quality expected and displayed from the full game, exciting battles.

User Rating: 10 | Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker X360
Playing this after the "end" of the game, this felt like an epilogue in a way. And no better of one could I have wished for, as the storyline offered in this add-on and the action portrayed are now a highlight of Mass Effect 2 to me. One matter that I took notice of in particular was the dialogue and settings; Running the full gamut from stressful and mysterious to emotional and meaningful. This was top-notch, and although I liked the character of Liara I was reluctant to buy the add-on given the price. I agree strongly with the GameSpot reviewer's remark concerning atmosphere; Lair of the Shadow Broker is full of it and from the high-speed car chases through the high-rises of Ilium to the top of a spacecraft cutting through the skies of a hostile planet, there are many memorable moments to be experienced. I was initially reluctant to purchase this add-on given the price; I am without regret having done so.