Best game of the year no more no less. Love you Bioware !!!!!!!!

User Rating: 10 | Mass Effect 2 PC
You can bring your old char from the previous game which is awsome just finished the first game again so i will get the best of it at this sequale ,heartbreaking very emotional and film like game non linear ending and gameplay + u get to see all the npcs u meet and ineract at the first game and see thier progress after ur effect in the firstt game which is imba.

at the graphics side : very high q graphics which not demends a super comp to run ,very smooth and flawless design.

tech side: except from a minor glitch when u sometimes walking on air at some situation there are no bugs at all. seems like there was a very intensive and good QA&QC put on it

for conclution:

a very welcomed addition to the mass effect series, hope to see more of bioware products out there like this and dragon age.
hope that the piracy problem wouldnt hurt sells so much so we can see more of this awsome masterpiece in the future.