Mass Effect 2 is easily Bioware's best work to date and one of the best RPGs i've played in recent years...

User Rating: 9 | Mass Effect 2 PC

-terrific storyline, settings and game world...

-amazing graphics that are greatly improved from the first game with fantastic art and level design..

-some of the best, deepest and most unique cast of characters featured in any game ever since Planescape:Torment..

-locations and enviroments are far more polished, interesting and atmospheric than the ones featured in the original. Omega is my favourite...

-6 classes offer new abilities and powers and make the game highly replayable..

-the ability to import your old saves from ME1 is great. your choices in the original make an impact in the sequel. you'll be in for several surprises..

-shooting mechanics have been greatly improved from the original making for much more exciting shootouts...

-terrific voice acting, sound effects and soundtrack.....

-missions offer far more variety and surprises than the original and they are far more complex as well...

-just about everything about the normandy has been improved, it's bigger, better and filled with amazing details and an interesting crew..

-conversation system is smoother and more cinematic than ever and the ability to interrupt conversations with actions is implemented very well..

-the ability to uppgrade the normady, weapons and armour is a great addition and they're not superficial. these uppgrades can actually decide your crew's fate and yours during the last "suicide mission"...

-space exploration is a bit more deep and complex this time around, you'll have to manage things like fuel and probes that can be used to scan uncharted planets..

-for better or worse, things have been streamlined a bit, exploring empty planets has been completely removed, RPG and inventory elements have been greatly toned down and levelling up has been simplified....overall, it makes for a far more intense adventure than the original and it's much better-paced....


-the streamlining won't appeal to everyone!, some will miss planet exploration using the macko, weapons and armour loot, detailed inventory....although most of this stuff was a pain to manage and felt completely uneccessary at times...

-final boss battle is extremely easy and not the most original!..

-while shooting has been greatly improved, it still doesn't feel nearly as good as a fully featured 3rd person shooter..

-scanning planets and some of the hacking mini games can get tedious..
-areas and locations are extremely small and linear compared to the original.
-it's starting to feel like you have way too many companions at this point!, and there really isn't much character development involved.

-waiting for ME3.....


Mass effect 2 is not perfect, the shooting is still not quite there and the streamlining and toning down won't appeal to everyone but the core adventure is aomething that every true gamer has to experience!. the story, characters, game world and atmosphere are some of the best in the buisness. the story and adventure are extremely interactive!, your decisions and actions will determine many things and no two gamers will have the same experience.

you can even get killed in the last mission and it's possible that you'll lose most of your crew!!. no game has ever featured a story this interactive!, for that alone, some aspects of ME2 can actually be described revolutionary..

the original ME1 was already a classic for me and just about every aspect of it(straemlining apart!) has been improved!, graphics, level design, mission variety, pace and character(although wrex is still the best character i've encountered!!). the original was a terrific experience and a very good game but it was rough around the edges, ME2 is far more polished and smoother. the gameplay is much better than the original's and it still manages to be a terrific and unforgettable experience, although nothing here really comes close to the terrific and atmospheric Ilos level of the original with it's sheer WOW factor, inrensity and amazing revelations.....

Bioware have gone deeper to explore the ME universe, ME2 feels darker, deeper and far more personal than ME1. i have played all of Bioware's games, everything from Star wars: KOTOR and Jade empire to ME and Dragon age and ME2 is by far their best game so far. let's just hope ME3 will be even better or atleast as good...

Mass Effect 2 truly feels like a very high quality and interactive sci-fi TV series with top notch presentation, and rating it as one i'd say it's easily the best since Stat Trek: Next generation & DS9!. you can't ask for more..