Get it for the frantic multiplayer mode!

User Rating: 8.3 | Mashed: Drive to Survive PS2
Mashed is properbly one of the most enjoyable multiplayer games I've ever played. Actually I've only spent about 30 minutes playing the single-player game, but I've had hours and hours of fun racing against my colleages at work. Quite simply you need to drive the other players off the track. If a car gets too far behind, or goes over the sides of the track, then its bye-bye. The tracks are very varied, from ice-covered mountains, to jammed up freeways where you have to aviod big and slow trucks. Each of the levels are filled with pretty cool weapons, such as missiles, mortar, flame thrower and mines. Each weapon has to be used intelligently, or it can mean your own doom. Once you get knocked out of a multiplayer game, you can controll a crosshair, that enables you to lock on to opponents and send heat-seeking airstrikes their way. Talk about revenge from the grave! Okay, now you know what it's all about, but you simply have to play it to see how much fun it really is. If you have a PS2 at work or at school, I really recommend getting this game, and trying it agains your friends. You'll be swearing, screaming and laughing at each other in no time. A few things drag Mashed a bit down, like high load times, and a few times where the point giving seems a bit buggy (like when you get knocked out a few seconds later than another opponent, but still gets fewer points), however it doenst change the fact that Mashed is an instant multiplyaer classic, you wont' regret trying.