Web of Desire

User Rating: 9 | Marvel's Spider-Man PS4

Marvel's Spider- Man is an amazing sweep of exactly what a Spider- Man game, or any open world game in particular- should be. The feeling of swinging through Manhattan is truly one of a kind, capped with amazing detail, down to the cars of the street and the windows of the buildings. The collectables and different challenges such as stealth and combat are a test of skill and a way to improve. The story itself is immersive and engaging with spectacular boss fights and a duality between Spider- Man and Peter Parker.

Perhaps what really sets Marvel's Spider- Man apart from previous Spider- Man games is the relatable humanity is the story. Other Spider- Man games focused on making you feel like a god, but Marvel's Spider- Man is realistically relatable. Chances to play as Spider- Man's alter ego, Peter Parker, and his allies, such as Mary Jane Watson, emphasize this humanity because you are given the chance to play as someone without superhero abilities.

However, with everything human, Marvel's Spider- Man has it's faults. Though the crimes around the city are vital to upgrading gear and purchasing suits, sometimes it can get repetitive, seeming like the same minor villains, the same fighting animation, the same finisher animations, and the same stealth takedown animations. They look sleek and cool at first, but as you progress through the game, they become boring.

Of course, Insomniac can not continue to add different animations to satisfy our wants, but they have tried their best to improve the game with each new update. With each update, Insomniac adds more amazing material based on the latest Spider- Man news, and fixes bugs that have previously been found, making Marvel's Spider- Man an even more immersing experience each and every update.

Marvel's Spider- Man is a truly incredible game, almost exactly what a good Spider- Man or open world game should be. In my opinion, this game deserves a solid 9 out of 10.