Marvel: Ultimate Alliance,just wow.

User Rating: 9 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance PSP
Right after you pop in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance or MUA,you'll be glad you picked the game up right from the start.As usual with my reviews,I'll start with the graphics.They're quite well done for a PSP game.Though the games over all textures look a bit muddy.There can also be a bit of slow down in the frame rate,but this usually only happens when you have an assortment of characters & enemies on screen while performing a special attack at the same time.All of the levels look sharper than the character models,and the animation is pretty good with each attack your character brings to the table.The game resembles a quality PSP game at most though.

The voice acting and sound track are also all very well done.The voice acting sounds as cheesy as it should sound,being full of super heroes.The sound track also fits each level suitably as well.The game,over all,dose well in its sound performance.

As the story gos,the worlds Super Villains have joined together to create the Master Of Evil!As always the super heroes go ahead and create their alliance to stop the villains.The story takes you to pretty much every possible location,even underwater.The plot is quite enjoyable over all,but quite predictable.

So what do you do in MUA,well its basically a button masher with light RPG elements.The button mashing is just self explaining,so I'll move on to talk about the RPG elements.They're not to deep,so don't go in expect anything to complicated.You can basically upgrade different moves and your different attack/other power bars.You can also level up each of your characters.Speaking of characters,there are a ton to play as.You really get all of the necessary ones like Spider Man,Wolverine,and a few others plus more.Another cool RPG element is the option of making your own team of heroes to play as which you can name,and even give a specific emblem for.The game is just a blast to play,and really makes you go wow.

Whats bad about MUA?Well nothing really,except the graphics.Though they still look good for being a PSP game,but not as good as other titles on the hand held.

Final Verdict: If you have any interest in Marvel anything,then just go out and buy this game right now.Its that fun.Or,if you just need a fun adventure/action game,then definitely give this a try.