MUA 2 fails to be a better compare to its predecessor

User Rating: 6.5 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 X360
MUA 2 brings new way to explore the marvel universe with your favorite heroes. However, the experience is obstructed by flaws and bugs. While, MUA 2 adds several new elements to the franchise to keep it fresh, those elements that were added are not very crucial and are somewhat lackluster. While the gameplay is the main priority in this game, and it is indeed enjoyable with the fusion added. Then again, the fusions between characters are interesting and enjoynable, however, while fusion proves to be unique, it is not, since 2 characters might have same fusion with a different 2 characters. As for the role playing elements, it has been strip entirely, for those who likes to level up and get more skills, equip accessory and such, you'll propably won't be doing that very often since there are only 4 main skills and 6 passive skills. For the storyline, Civil War fits as a well designed plot for the game, heroes v. heroes action is well appreciated since instead of beating on some supervillian you always fight, u can now take on other heroes. Yet, there are flaws with the Civil War storyline, first off, the story is much shorter than the previous one by a great amount since you are forced to choose between 2 sides and had to replay the game if you want to play as the other side. The main storyline can be complete within 5 to 8 hours. You can pick the other side if you replay the game, however, most of the character and plotline for the story will stay the same, so it won't really matter that much. Additionally, there is not much to do after finishing the game, the simulated missions are short and simple, the collectibles are simple to find. So, the amount of hours you'll be putting into this game will only be around 20 maximum. While you can play with your friends over xbox live, the experience you will have playing online will sometimes end up in frustration since the game often lag if the connection of any player is weak, and there are several bugs/glitches playing online as well. For the graphic, while it is an improvement over the last game, this is an obvious note since the last game was developed 3 years ago and xbox360 games graphic back then do not live up to today xbox 360 graphic.. The graphic feels smooth with a few hiccup here and there, the cutscenes are quite poorly designed compared to the last game however. The sound is another redeeming factor of this game. However, most of the characters voice acting a quite poorly done, or do not fit (example: Thor). Other than that, this game had so much potential, yet it failed to stand up to its predecessors with these flaws. It is better if the series is put back to Raven hand rather than Vicarious Vision