Hands down, one of the best fighters I've ever played

User Rating: 9.5 | Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects XBOX
Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects is by far, a really good fighter. It features most of the famous original Marvel characters; Iron Man, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Elektra, Venom, Wolverine, Storm, The Human Torch, The Thing, and I could go on a bit longer, but we'd go off topic.

First off, the A.I. is incredible. Whenever you are fighting a computer player, they always get back up on their feet when you are killing them in versus mode. It is not easy to win in a battle, unless you are playing as somebody weak against somebody twice your weight and/or size (like Daredevil against Iron Man), because the characters always have their own levels of potential.

Every character has their own unique combat moves, aside form the shared kick-and-punch routine. Some characters can tie their opponents up and throw them out of the ring when there is empty space in the battlefield. This can make the game a bit too easy when you are using this type of character, but it is useful if you are playing multiplayer mode online and your opponent is lost in confusion after doing so well, and it counts for something in the long run.

Everything about the game is almost incredible, except there are a few cons:

-There aren't very many courses to choose from
-The story mode is either too easy or too difficult
-The extras aren't worth checking out

But, overall the game is really great. If you are a Marvel or fighter fan, this is a must-play. It is addictive, though, I'm warning you. HAHAHAHaHAHAAHHAAA