This is just a simple fun twist on the puzzle genre with the Mario charm we all love.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again! DS
The Mini's are marching again, because Mario is too lazy to get off of his lazy butt to save this hot chick from Donkey Kong. Mario deserves a day off from saving Peach all those times, but to be honest, I'd much rather send the Mini's off to get peach, because this chick is much more attractive. That's aside from the point though. This is a fun game. Yeah... lets just get to the review part.

+ Great Graphics
+ Fun twist on the puzzle genre, as you have to constantly be doing something to complete the level.
+ Amusing Story

- Too much Trial and Error
- Too short
- Sometimes puzzles require too much precision in a short amount of time.

Presentation: 9/10
Very polished, but its a Mario game so it's expected.

Graphics: 9/10
Very attractive graphics for a DSi downloadable game.

Sound: 9/10
Sounds pretty good for a DSi downloadable game.

Gameplay: 8/10
Fun, but sometimes there is too much stuff to handle at once.

Lasting Appeal: 6/10
The level editor will keep you busy for a time, but you'll get tired of it. The main story is way too short also.

Should I get it?
I'd say yes. Its fun while it lasts.